Returns / Refund policy
If you have a problem with an order. Fill out the form below. Returns are assessed individually by order.
All items have a 30-day return limit from the day you received the item. Furthermore, we reserve the right to not accept an item back. If we do accept an item back, shipping costs to return it will be covered. Any items returned need to be in the same condition that they were in when you received it. Money will be sent back to the payment method used to make the purchase.
For any items returned without first contacting us, you will not receive a refund for the amount returned.
For size exchanges, you will need to return the product you received. You will be refunded your money if the return is accepted. And then you will need to buy the item again in the size you want.
If you are refunded for any purchases an email will be sent to the email you used to checkout. Remember, it takes time for your bank to process refunds.